I have been obsessed with the pair behind the stunning instagram account @saltinourhair since I first stumbled into the world of travel instagram. From the sandy beaches of Thailand to the charming streets of Paris, Nick and Hannah's adventures together have a candy-coated feel to them, perfectly sweet and insanely addicting. We caught up with them before their latest adventure to hear more about what inspires their magical travels.

Where are you currently based?

At the moment in the Netherlands, back home. We wanted to spend time with family and friends and visit European countries. Next week we're leaving for Indonesia and will have Bali as a base for at least the next 3 months.

Where did you two meet?

Well, not the romantic story you might expect but we actually lived quite near each other and met at an underground rave party in Rotterdam :)

What made you want to travel the world as a couple?

Hannah always had plans to travel to Australia, and I (Nick) already had a full-time job. So once Hannah was done with school, I took four months off and we traveled to Asia. (Not to Australia to save some money for buying a house when we returned.) That's three years ago and we still haven't bought a house, haha. Traveling stole our hearts.

What is the craziest story about your travels that you can share with us?

We arrived for the first time to the Philippines and had to quickly transfer to Terminal 2. In a hurry, we got in a taxi, he told us the price for the terminal and started driving. About halfway there he said a new number, about 60 dollars, for the 10-minute ride. I paid it when we got to the terminal. Hannah got out of the car to get her bags from the trunk. The driver helped her and left the money on his seat. I was able to get everything back and left the fair amount :)

If you could pick one trip that you’ve taken as your favorite, what would it be and why?

It's hard to say, we experience so many new countries so every new trip is a beautiful one. Iceland is on top at the moment! On the other hand, Sri Lanka is our favorite country.

What was your worst experience traveling?

Probably in Sri Lanka. Although it's our favorite country and we have been twice, we had a miserable experience at Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage. It has become Insta famous and many people go there to take a photo of the river with elephants. What most of them don't see or maybe don't want to see is that the elephants are chained in the river and aggressively controlled with pins. We left that place with a rip in our heart and we try to tell everyone, please don't go here.

What destination is at the top of your bucket list right now?

We can't choose so these are on the top now: Nicaragua and Australia. We aren't going there anytime soon since we want to explore a lot of Indonesia and The Philippines first but hopefully next year.

In your opinion, what is the best destination for couples to visit?

It depends on what you're looking for. For us, it was Cappadocia in Turkey. The magic of hot air balloons in a valley was one of the best experiences ever!

Follow Hannah and Nick's adventures on Instagram at @saltinourhair.