Best Cities For Celebrating Pride Around the World

June is Pride month, which might explain the rainbow flags you suddenly see in every storefront and street corner. This month, cities around the world are celebrating the LGBTQ community and promoting inclusivity the best way they know how - by throwing some incredible parties. Travelers are joining in on the fun by flocking to certain destinations for their over-the-top Pride celebrations. We've put together our list of the 6 best cities for celebrating Pride.

New York City

You can't leave the birthplace of the Pride movement off this list. NYC's Pride March draws thousands of participants each year, and features over 110 floats and 450 marching groups. If you're in the Big Apple on June 24th, make your way to Seventh Avenue and 16th Street to join in the fun. Also worth checking out are Pride Fest, a street fair featuring artists and booths, and a multitude of other Pride events scattered throughout the city all month long.


Netherlands was the first country to formally legalize same-sex marriage, so you can bet their Pride celebrations reflect their commitment to equality. A massive boat parade with over 80 elaborately decorated boats takes to Amsterdam's canals to celebrate the occasion. Thousands of spectators come to watch and join in the dancing and excitement.

San Francisco

One of the most progressive cities in the United States, it's not surprising that San Francisco also has one of the most over-the-top Pride celebrations. Over 100,000 people are expected to turn out for the Parade on June 24th, following on the heels of a 2-day rally in Civic Center Plaza that features music and dancing. Several bars and restaurants throughout the city get involved with themed food and drinks that you have to try. There are also other marches that celebrate niche groups within the LGBTQ community, including a Transgender March.


Pride takes over the city of London every year, culminating in a massive parade on July 7th that ends a month of celebrations. From LGBTQ film screenings to bar and club specials, you can find Pride parties in most parts of the city. There's something incredible about seeing the Brits let loose this month, and they show the world they know how to have a good time.

Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo took the cake last year as the largest attended Pride event in the world - with over 3 million attendants! Celebrations take place in early June/late May, and embrace a Carnival-style street party. Head dresses, sequins, and feather boas are the attire, and the entire city shuts down for one big celebration.

Los Angeles

Last, but definitely not least, is our favorite Pride celebration - Los Angeles. The Pride parade in LA is one of the most accessible in the US, attracting members of the LGBTQ community plus plenty of allies to West Hollywood for a massive march and a rowdy concert that actually had to turn people away this year due to crowd size. Tutus, facepaint, and rainbow flags are the norm at this event that encourages participation from all groups and ages from across Southern California and beyond.

About the author: Kellie Coppola | Editor of The Discoverer
Since her first trip across the pond Kellie has been a voracious traveler. As the Editor of The Discoverer she is passionate about sharing stories from around the globe and inspiring others to leave their comfort zones. Kellie has her MFA in Creative Writing and in her free time tries (and mostly fails) to cook.