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Traveling to a foreign city is a lot more fun when you’re greeted with a smile. We’ve rounded up the top 10 friendliest cities in the world according to Big 7 Travel — places where you’ll always be able to find a friendly face. Keep reading to see whether your favorite city made the list.

#10. Glasgow


Credit: Jennifer Sophie/Shutterstock

Glasgow is known primarily for its interesting architecture and rich music scene, but now this Scottish city has another superlative to add to the list, too — it’s the 10th friendliest city in the world. People who live in Glasgow (often termed “Glaswegians”) are friendly and open to tourists, always willing to give a recommendation or help out with directions. It doesn't hurt that English is the primary language here, so most of the city's tourists are able to converse easily with the locals. If you’ve been to the city, you’ve probably experienced this Scottish friendliness yourself. If not, add Glasgow to your list.

#9. São Paulo


Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge in Sao Paulo Brazil South America
Credit: f11photo/ Shutterstock

São Paulo is known  throughout the Americas for its lively culture, and its people are all about having fun. Many locals, especially those who fall into a younger demographic, speak English and are willing to stop and help if you need a hand getting around the city. Even if language is an issue, however, most Brazilians are outgoing and effervescent — and they’ll be happy to help however they can.

#8. Nashville

Tennessee, USA

Skyline of downtown Nashville, Tennessee
Credit: SeanPavonePhoto/ iStock

Walk down the street in Nashville and you’ll encounter a host of good-natured Southerners who flash you a smile and tip their cowboy hat. In Nashville you’ll find Southern manners, country music, and a whole lot of barbecue. In past years, this Tennessee town has even been crowned the friendliest city in the entire U.S.

#7. Christchurch

New Zealand

Aerial view of Christchurch, New Zealand
Credit: primeimages/ iStock

The beautiful green city of Christchurch may be a little out of the way for most travelers, but it's more than worth the trip. Ranked as the seventh friendliest city in the world, Christchurch is a safe and pleasant place for tourists; it’s a city that embraces diversity, too, with locals who are very welcoming to everyone. Set that friendly atmosphere against a backdrop of stunning, New Zealand terrain and it's no wonder this city grows more popular each year.

#6. Dublin


Ha'penny Bridge (also known as Liffey Bridge) across the River Liffey, Dublin, Ireland
Credit: stevegeer/ iStock

Dublin’s residents are friendly: that’s a fact that’s widely known. And according to Britannica, the city is also popular for something called craic, which refers to the unique conversational mixture of humor, intelligence, and insight you’ll find there. This particular form of conversation imbibes every activity with a spark of joy, whether you're touring a museum or just grabbing a pint at a pub.

#5. Hamburg


View of Hamburg city center with historic town hall
Credit: bluejayphoto/ iStock

When it comes to German towns that are popular among tourists, Hamburg generally isn’t at the top of the list. However, it’s a fantastic destination — culture, food, and fun are all plentiful, and people are friendly as well. If you stay in high-traffic tourist areas you’ll be safe, and many locals speak English, too. Expect to make some friends and enjoy your stay in this beautiful German city.

#4. Taipei


Aerial view of cityscape at Taipei center district, Taiwan
Credit: GoranQ/ iStock

Taipei is slowly becoming a more popular tourist destination, and one reason for this city’s emergence on the global stage is how friendly its residents are — most locals are always willing to help out a foreigner. What can you do in Taipei? Many visitors enjoy purchasing food at the night markets, stopping by the world’s highest Starbucks at the Taipei 101 building, and perusing the artifacts at the National Palace Museum.

#3. Bruges


Old town of Bruges (Brugge), Belgium
Credit: Olena_Znak/ iStock

Bruges, the capital of West Flanders in Belgium, is a charming city full of cobblestone streets, canals, and residents that are just as lovely as their home. The small-town feel that Bruges carries is a big pull for visitors, with friendly locals who create a safe environment. There are also nearly a hundred shops in Bruges that are dementia-friendly and have employees who are able to guide people with dementia through the process of making a purchase.

#2. Kuala Lumpur


Kuala lumpur skyline, Malaysia
Credit: Patrick Foto/ iStock

Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia and is a modern, sophisticated city where tourists can enjoy the fast pace and vibrant nightlife. Malaysians are known for being very friendly and Kuala Lumpur is no exception; Malaysians are laid-back and generous, happy to help if needed. And believe it or not, a vacation in Kuala Lumpur can be family-friendly, too.

#1. Vancouver


Credit: Russ Heinl/Shutterstock

Vancouver takes the cake: This Canadian city is the friendliest in the world. Vancouver is a diverse city made up of residents from dozens of cultures; the city celebrates that diversity, recognizing that the many perspectives of Vancouver residents are a draw for tourists. “Vancouver is a city for everyone,” reads the city’s website. And if you visit Vancouver, the city is for you, too.