When you start planning a vacation, your thoughts might immediately leap to somewhere you've never been before. Many of us want to experience the thrill of adventure when we're traveling the world, and discover new cities and countries. Even so, you may find yourself longing to return to a place you've already been. Let's take a look at a few reasons why revisiting a destination may be a great idea after all.

It Can Feel Like a Home Away From Home

Credit: @hellolightbulb/Unsplash

A vacation that is nothing but adventure can be as draining as it is exhilarating. Yes, you want to get out there and have some fun, but you don't want to return from your vacation feeling like you need a vacation. At least, most of us don't.

Returning to a destination you've already been to can feel like returning home. You can still get out and do new things, but you also have a home base that you're familiar with to return to. This also helps you get over the initial setup work that most vacations have. You already know where you're going and how to get there so you can focus on what you want to do once you arrive.

You Rarely See Everything in a Single Visit

Credit: Brian Kinney/Shutterstock

Unless your potential destination is very small or known for one specific attraction, chances are that you didn't see everything there was to see during your last visit. Maybe you took a trip to Paris and focused on visiting major landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe. On a return visit, you could check out the city's many museums or lesser-known neighborhoods.

If you travel frequently, you've probably had people ask, "Did you see X or Y?" when you tell them about your trip, and of course, you didn't. A return visit gives you a chance to follow up on those recommendations.

Places Change, Just Like We Do

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Even if you saw most everything you wanted to see on your last trip somewhere, chances are good that at least some part of it has changed. If it's been a few years, it might be time to check in to see what's new. This could mean brand new or reimagined attractions, restaurants and even hotels.

Another thing to keep in mind is the time of the year. Visiting New York City in the middle of a sweltering summer and visiting it in the winter are going to be very different experiences. Not every city or destination will vary this much, but many of them will.

Chances are, you've probably changed as well. If you were a teenager the last time you saw a certain city, it might be worthwhile seeing it in your 20s. No matter your age, you've no doubt learned new things and had experiences that will change the lens through which you view a given destination.

You Might Be Traveling With Someone New

Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Even if you're relatively certain that a place hasn't changed and you're exactly the same person you were the last time you were there, other circumstances might have changed. You might be in a new relationship, or you might just be traveling with different friends.

Maybe the last time you saw a city, you were there with your parents. If you revisit that city with a friend or partner, you're probably not going to approach it the way you did the last time you were there. Even the same places can seem different if you're experiencing them with different company.

Don't discount visiting a certain place alone, either. Sometimes you just need to get away on your own and seeing a place you already know on your own can be a rewarding experience.

Why Not?

Credit: Aygul Sarvarova/Shutterstock

There are plenty of reasons that can make revisiting a destination worthwhile, but when it comes down to it, you don't need one. It's your vacation, so go where you want to go.

In these social media driven times, there's a pressure to view vacations as checklists; to do more than other people. If that's what you want to do then go for it, but remember that the purpose of a trip or a vacation is to experience the things you want to experience, on your terms.